Guitar Lessons

At the beginning of the semester, I challenged myself to learn guitar. Although I did not make it to the level that I wanted to obtain I did make significant improvements in my playing ability. Each Thursday for the past 7 weeks I attended a 1-hour guitar lesson at Trinity Arts Center. In addition to class time, I spent about 25 minutes per day practicing at home. I worked with a recent ETSU graduate to develop my skills in guitar. He started off by teaching me some basic cords and had me practice simple chord progressions at a 60 beats per minute rhythm in 4|4 time. After I got that down after about 2 weeks. We moved onto attempting to apply those cords to a song that I wanted to learn. I chose "Light the Fire." This turned out to be a lot more difficult than I expected and it took me about 3 weeks of lessons and practice before I could do the progressions of the song at 72 beats per minute and 4|4 time. Finally, he introduced strumming in the final 2 weeks. I am still working on getting the feel for how certain patterns work, but I am improving.


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