
Guitar Lessons

At the beginning of the semester, I challenged myself to learn guitar. Although I did not make it to the level that I wanted to obtain I did make significant improvements in my playing ability. Each Thursday for the past 7 weeks I attended a 1-hour guitar lesson at Trinity Arts Center. In addition to class time, I spent about 25 minutes per day practicing at home. I worked with a recent ETSU graduate to develop my skills in guitar. He started off by teaching me some basic cords and had me practice simple chord progressions at a 60 beats per minute rhythm in 4|4 time. After I got that down after about 2 weeks. We moved onto attempting to apply those cords to a song that I wanted to learn. I chose "Light the Fire." This turned out to be a lot more difficult than I expected and it took me about 3 weeks of lessons and practice before I could do the progressions of the song at 72 beats per minute and 4|4 time. Finally, he introduced strumming in the final 2...

Greek Tailgate

This semester I also attended the Greek tailgate for the baseball game against UTK. We arrived about 2 hours before the start of the game and set up our tent. We had cornhole and music playing, and we also got a chance to build relations with other Greek organizations on campus. We continued to tailgate until the start of the game when we sat in the back of trucks and watched the game for U Edge.

Sigma Chi Initiation

Although I can't discuss any of the events that occurred during this night because it is all ritual information that I cannot share, I can confirm that I attended this club event, and my fraternity can verify that I was there.

Volunteer Hours

This semester I volunteer for 8 hours through my Fraternity. Each year we put on an event to raise money for cancer research within the Hunstman foundation. We take this event very seriously while still trying to make it fun for the people involved. We work on raising money in booths. These booths include anything from simple donation booths to pie a sig booths where a dollar is given to through a pie in one of our faces. Throughout the course of the week I logged 8 hours of service to setting up and participating in this event for charity.

Honors Project

During the past two summers I have devoted my time working with underprivileged children in a summer camp. These children have given me hope in the future and a purpose. One of the activities we all enjoy together is singing camp songs led by someone playing the guitar. My collo project for the spring is to learn how to play the guitar so I can help lead songs during worship with these special children. I plan to take private lessons and practice weekly, hoping to achieve my goal of leading worship playing the guitar and singing camp songs.

Library Scavenger hunt

The library scavenger hunt was acutally a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Some of the things were difficult to do. And then I had the issue of the document not emailing to me so that was fun.
I did my volunteer hours through Sigma Chi. I maily worked on a blanket drive where we worked on collecting blankets for the homeless so they could be warm over the winter. in total we collected 158 blankets that will all be donated to the homeless. I also went to the animal shelter to finish my hours and had a great time working with the animals and giving them a chance to get out of their cage.